3 tips for smartphone photography in cold weather

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The coldest days of the year have approached. How do you make sure that your smartphone is winterproof when you go out shooting? The cold weather will not hold you back with these three tips. Read along so you can keep on shooting beautiful images during winter.

Bring a power bank

Your smartphone cannot handle the cold very well. Due to the cold weather, your battery runs out faster or your smartphone can even fail completely. Therefore, make sure you always take a power bank with you, so that you can charge your smartphone at any time. Make sure you keep the power bank in a warm place, in a bag or in the inside pocket of your jacket, for example, so that the battery does not run out so quickly.

Do you want to be fully prepared when you hit the road? Make sure you bring a power bank with a fast charging function, so that you can charge your phone and use it again in no time.

Bring a heat pack

Heat packs are not only nice to warm your cold hands, they can also help your battery last longer in the cold. A heat pack is a bag with gel, which is heated by clicking a kind of coin. This causes the substance to become hard and warm. Stick the heat pack on your smartphone (or camera) or store the heat pack close to your smartphone.

Heat packs can be used multiple times. Throw your heat pack into boiling water after use. The heat pack will melt and then cool again.

Protect your smartphone and yourself from the cold

Make sure you protect your smartphone well against the cold to prevent an empty battery, condensation or even damage. Protect your equipment from rain or snow with a water-repellent bag , phone case and screen protector .

It is also very important to protect yourself from the cold so that you can take the most beautiful winter pictures. Wear warm clothing such as a thermal shirt, gloves and a hat. Just make sure your gloves work on a touchscreen. There are gloves with special fingertips that allow you to continue using your touchscreen.

Don't have touchscreen gloves? Then use a Bluetooth Remote Shutter . Connect the remote shutter to your smartphone to control your camera remotely. Make it easy for yourself to photograph from a tripod , so that you can determine a nice frame.

Hopefully the above tips will ensure that you are well prepared for your trip. Have fun taking images in the cold! Do you have any questions about taking photos and videos in the cold? Then we will be happy to help you further.

Improve your photography in the cold with our products

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