How to make podcast?

Hoe maak je een podcast?

Do you want to share your ideas, experiences or anything else you find interesting or fun with the world? A simple and increasingly popular way to do this is to create a podcast. Podcasts are made about almost every topic you can think of, so if you want to attract listeners, you will have to differentiate yourself somehow. To help you get started, we will explain in this blog how you can create your own podcast.

#1 Determine your podcast topic

To start, you will need to determine what your podcasts are about. What and who do you want to reach with your podcast? What value do you add for the listener? Do you want to inform the listener or rather entertain them? With an informative podcast, it is important and useful to have a specific topic or common thread. In addition, it also helps if you have a passion for this topic yourself. When you really like a topic, you talk about it more enthusiastically and this makes it more attractive for listeners to keep listening. With a podcast that is mainly aimed at entertaining the listener, the topic is less important. For example, you can also tell random fun stories and anecdotes about various topics.

Start by writing a short description about your podcast. Try to mention why listeners should listen to your podcast. This will give you a clear picture of what you are going to do. You can then add this description when you upload your podcast to different platforms.

Popular podcast categories are: News, Politics and Sports for men. For women: Health, Psychology and True crime. You can choose to search for a topic within one of these categories, because this is what many people search for, but of course that also means that there are many other podcasts with similar topics.

In addition, it is also important to determine with whom you are going to record the podcast and where you are going to record it. Are you going to do this alone, with two people or perhaps with a group? If you are going to record a podcast alone, you can simply do this at home. Suppose you want to record a podcast with several people, then it is possible that not everyone is in the same place. Maybe someone lives on the other side of the world.

#2 Make sure you have the right podcast gear

Your subject is one of the most important things about your podcast, because this attracts the listeners, but it is also very important to retain your listeners. You do this by, among other things, ensuring that the sound is pleasant to listen to. For this, you will need to purchase a good podcast microphone, for example. You do not want a lot of crackling, noise or unclear sound in your recording. That is of course very unpleasant to listen to.

Want more tips on podcast equipment? Read our blog about: “What do you need to record a podcast” .

Here we discuss all the equipment you may need to record a podcast.

Please note: Not all equipment is necessary. In principle, you can already record a podcast with a telephone and a simple lapel microphone.

#3 Decide how you want to record the podcast

You have come up with the topic for your podcast and you have gathered a microphone and all the other supplies. Now you still need a way to record your podcast. You will have to decide whether you want to do this on a smartphone, laptop or PC. There are different options for these devices. If you are recording a podcast with multiple people, are you going to do this together in one location or remotely?

#3.1 Recording a podcast remotely

When you want to record a podcast remotely with different people, you always have the problem that in meeting software, such as Zoom, Skype, Discord or Teams, the sound is compressed. This causes the sound quality to decrease significantly. There are a number of options to maintain your sound quality remotely. The easiest option is to use podcast software. We recommend using Riverside or Detail .

Both apps have a free version, but of course there are some disadvantages. For example, on the free version of Detail you always have a watermark in your video. This does not give a professional look, so that is not desirable. If you only plan to record sound, that is of course not a problem. With the free version of Riverside you can only record 2 hours of podcasts before you have to take out a subscription.

Don’t want to use a podcast app? There are a few workarounds. You can choose to use meeting software like Zoom and accept the loss of sound quality. We don’t recommend this. Another option is to have all podcast members record their audio locally and sync it later via editing software.

#3.2 Recording a podcast locally

Recording a podcast locally is a lot easier. You can record both the audio and video locally at the same time, so there is no loss of sound quality. However, you can still choose to use one of the apps described above to record your podcast. The features in these apps can be very useful, but are not necessary.

If you prefer not to use a podcast app, you can use recording software. Software that we recommend are Audacity and Adobe Audition . If you also want to add images to your podcast, you will have to synchronize this afterwards in editing software. You can also choose to record everything together at once, for example you can use OBS-studio . The disadvantage of OBS-Studio compared to Audacity and Audition is that Audacity and Audition are specialized audio recording software programs and therefore have more options than OBS . In Audacity you can edit your audio right away, that is not an option in OBS . Audacity is completely free, Audition is included in the Creative Cloud subscription of Adobe and OBS-studio is also completely free.

#4 Edit your podcast

Unfortunately, it is never possible to record your podcast in one go without errors. After recording, you will have to edit your podcast so that you can adjust or filter out slips of the tongue or silence. There are various programs for this. Audacity is one of the most obvious programs, because you can also record your podcast with it. In addition, the program is completely free and open-source.

The only downside to Audacity is that you can't edit video. If you want to upload your podcast to YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, for example, you'll want to add images. For this, we recommend Adobe Premiere Pro . This is also included in Adobe's Creative Cloud subscription. Premiere Pro is not cheap, but it is the best option.

Do you prefer not to spend money, for example because you do not yet know whether your podcast will be a success? Then CapCut is also a good option. Capcut is completely free and has all the features you need in principle. It does lack some functions compared to Premiere Pro, but it is a good option for the beginning podcaster.

#5 Publish your podcast

Your podcast is finally ready after recording and editing. The next step is publishing it so people can actually listen to it. Many podcast platforms don’t allow you to just upload an MP3 or MP4 file. You will need to host your podcast somewhere. The hosting platform will then create an RSS feed. You can connect this feed to the podcast platforms. There are several options. Most hosting platforms charge a monthly fee.

We recommend Spotify for Podcasters . This is a free podcast hosting feed. You have pretty much the same features as on the paid hosting services. Once you have uploaded the podcast to Spotify, you can then share it with the other podcast platforms.

Try to upload your podcast to as many platforms as possible. The more platforms your podcast is available on, the greater your reach. You can also upload your podcast to YouTube as an MP4.

    • Apple podcast
    • Spotify
    • Google podcast
    • Pocket Casts
    • Overcast
    • SoundCloud
    • Podcast Addict
    • Castbox
    • Podimo

#6 Promote your podcast

Your podcast is now online, but people still need to know that it is online. As discussed in the introduction, there are a lot of podcasts online, so yours will not be found easily. It is therefore very important to bring your podcast to the attention of the target group. This is best done via various social media platforms, especially via short-form content. Make short clips of your podcast and distribute them on Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, TikTok, Facebook and so on. In the beginning, it can be very effective to ask friends and family if they want to listen to your podcast and share it within their circle and socials. The same goes for the short clips on social media. The more people see, like and share them, the faster the algorithm picks this up and your podcast spreads to more people.

Hopefully the above step-by-step plan will help you create your podcast. Do you have more questions about recording a podcast or purchasing the right gear? Feel free to contact us. Good luck!

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