5 tips for working from home to be productive In recent years, working from home has become increasingly normal and important in the Netherlands. Many companies now have the habit of working from home for 2 or more days.... Read more
Phone battery drains quickly: How to extend battery life? Does your smartphone battery often run out quickly? There are a number of things you can do to ensure that your phone runs out less quickly. We have listed the... Read more
Best travel tips for holidays The holiday season is coming again. This is often a pleasant and relaxing period, but it can of course also be stressful. When you go on holiday you have to... Read more
What do you give someone who is going on a trip? Do you know someone who is going on a trip soon? It doesn't matter if this is a long world trip or just a few weeks of sun holiday. There... Read more
What is USB-C? USB-C is the smaller, faster and improved version of USB-C and USB-A. USB-C is slowly becoming the standard for all electronic devices. Regulations have also recently been introduced in the... Read more
What to take with you to the beach: 5 Beach Essentials Would you like to go to the beach again soon, but you don't know what to take with you? We have drawn up a list of 5 beach essentials. Complete... Read more
Sun holiday packing list Are you going on holiday to the sun again soon? To ensure that you can go on holiday without any worries, we have put together a complete packing list. This... Read more
Festival packing list The festival season is around the corner again. Several (weekend) festivals will take place again soon. To ensure that you have the best possible festival experience, we have put together... Read more
Stabilize your video images with a gimbal Imagine: you were on an epic solo trip where you decided to capture the sunrise on a mountaintop after hours of hiking, but the combination of exhaustion and excitement resulted... Read more
Most beautiful walking routes in the Netherlands In spring, leaves appear on the trees again and nature takes on beautiful spring colors again. An ideal time to take walks in nature. There are many beautiful nature reserves... Read more
Most beautiful MTB routes in the Netherlands As soon as spring is around the corner, it is time to go outside and enjoy nature. One of the best ways to discover the beautiful nature of the Netherlands... Read more