

Starten met vloggen? Dit heb je nodig!

Starting to Vlog? Here’s What You Need!

Vlogging is more popular than ever. Whether you want to share your daily life, review products or entertain others, a vlog is a unique way to tell your story. But...

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Top 5 Beste powerbanks in 2025: Keuzegids

Top 5 Best Power Banks in 2025: Choice Guide

A power bank is a must-have accessory. The smartphone has become an indispensable part of our lives. You can pay with it, stay reachable, stay informed of the latest developments,...

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Wat zijn microfoon richtingkarakteristieken?

What are microphone directional characteristics?

When looking for a new microphone, there are many features to consider. One of these features is the directional pattern. Which directional pattern is most suitable depends on the application....

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Wat is TRS en TRRS?

What is TRS and TRRS?

When it comes to audio products, you will often come across the abbreviations TRS and TRRS. These are both abbreviations to indicate what type of audio connection a product has....

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Top 5 GoPro-accessoires voor wintersport

Top 5 GoPro Accessories for Winter Sports

Are you an experienced skier or snowboarder who does the coolest tricks or are you just starting out? No matter how experienced you are, it is great to record your...

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Bokeh fotografie met je smartphone

Bokeh photography with your smartphone

What is bokeh and why do you want it? You may have heard the term bokeh before, you may not, but you have definitely seen it. Bokeh is simple: your...

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